PC got broke, PC can't read memory card, lotsa reason why I stopped for a while. Thought I'd quit bloggin' but then realized that I haven't even started yet to start quittin'. The hiatus should be long enough to be provided with motivation to continue this project.
Photographs I took a month ago, part of the hiatus. I found this broken doll while looking for some books. I don't recall her name nor recall how she ended like that. She's creepy enough though to catch my attention. Her arms are broken as well.
Vain porcelain doll
I loathe your fragile beauty
Broken I found you eternal
Uh, sorry 'bout that lousy haiku. I'm not sure if I'm good at literature, I just know how to write and am not that bad. Now I have to think of what to do next. Yes, I'm motivated... sadly am not inspired.